Tap Position Sensor | LTC Transformer Monitoring | On Load Tap Changer

Tap Position Sensor and Display

Tap Position Sensor

The Dynamic Ratings’ Tap Position Sensor is a robust single solution that meets stringent electrical standards to ensure reliable operation and long life. The Tap Position Sensor connects directly to the tap changer on your transformer, using an industry standard optical encoder to detect the position of the tap changer and relay that information to your Dynamic Ratings E3 or C50 Transformer Monitor.

Tap Position Sensor Configuration Page

Easy to Configure

The easy-to-use configuration tool provides a dropdown menu selection for auto-configuration for the most common types of tap changers. Once you select the Tap Type, all the other configuration details are automatically populated. If the tap changer is not included in the list, the Advanced Mode provides the ability to configure the sensor for any type of tap changer application.

Display Options

The tap position sensor provides a Modbus output that can be read directly by an E3, a C50 or an optional display. The optional display can be provided with the sensor, allowing notable savings compared to traditional tap sensor solutions.

The display also provides a configurable output (typically 4-20mA), allowing use with other brands of monitoring devices.

Tap Position Sensor Display
Tap Position Sensor Installation

Reliable and Surge Resistant

The optical encoder is robust and does not need to be disconnected during transformer impulse tests. It is also resistant to failures due to lightning strikes or other system surges.

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