T3 Transformer Monitor | Dynamic Ratings | DRMCC

T3 Monitor (DRMCC)

Support for the T3 Monitor

Dynamic Ratings continues to provide technical and hardware support to the T1, T2, and T3 Monitors. However, we are no longer actively producing software updates for the systems. Many T Series users who are looking to stay up to date (e.g. IT Security, NERC updates, features) have upgraded their T3 systems to an E3 Transformer Monitor.

Monitoring an HV Power Transformer

Why Should I Upgrade?

There are five main reasons to upgrade your monitoring system.

  1. IT security – best practices and software development has evolved since the T3 was last updated.
  2. Reduction of O&M Expenses – the E3 allows for process improvements to keep you off-site as much as possible
  3. Modular design – use one common platform for multiple different transformer applications
  4. Engineered to order – custom platform for what you need
  5. Ease of Upgrade – minimal effort required

Learn more about why to consider upgrading in this 30 minute webcast.

Upgrading a T3 DRMCC to an E3 Transformer Monitor

It is very easy to upgrade your T3 to an E3 Transformer Monitor. The T3 product is modular which provides a lot of flexibility on what modules and cards can be used to incorporate into the system. It also provides the ability to leverage sensors and components already installed for the new E3 system.

Our Lifestream Support Team is ready and available to help manage, upgrade and commission existing fleets.

E3 DRMCC in the field

Interested in learning more? Request a Quote

Support Requests

If immediate response is required, please directly contact your local Dynamic Ratings location:

+1 262 746 1230 x3
[email protected]

Asia Pacific
+61 3 8544-0700
[email protected]

+44 1617 681111
[email protected]


Check out our Youtube Page for instructional tutorials or our Customer Portal for software and manuals (login required).

For all other requests, please fill out the contact form below:

  • Drop files here or
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Find out more about how Dynamic Rating’s LIFESTREAM® Support Services ensure successful monitoring through lifecycle support.